Fossati Oboe Fossati A Fossati Conservatory systemBody in Grenadilla (optional: top joint in synthetic material)Key Platinum platedPost Gold platedLong F# plateDouble tenon ringAdjustment for low BbLowest note: BbF key for left handDouble Eb key (left & right)Double G# key (left & right)3rd octave keysForked F ventBb ventarticulated B-C# mechanismGillet key (Banana key)Ab-Bb... View
Fossati Oboe Fossati FX3 Fossati Conservatory systemBody in Grenadilla (optional: top joint in synthetic material)Key Platinum plateddelivered with3 heads:one traditional form in black elflorynone thicker in white elflorynone in aluminium and grenadilla3 "Rings"one traditional form in black elflorynone with a bore "closed" in white elflorynone with a bore "opened" in grenadilla with a... View
Fossati Oboe Fossati MB Fossati Conservatory systemBody in Grenadilla (optional: top joint in synthetic material)Key Platinum platedLong F# plate.Double tenon ringAdjustment for low BbPhiladelphia systemLeft-hand reversed adjustmentLowest note: BbF key for left handDouble Eb key (left & right)Double G# key (left & right)3rd octave keysForked F ventBb ventarticulated B-C#... View
Fossati Oboe Fossati S Fossati Conservatory systemBody in Grenadilla (optional: top joint in synthetic material)Key Platinum platedPost gold plateddelivered with3 heads:one traditional form in black elflorynone thicker in white elflorynone in aluminium and grenadilla3 "Rings"one traditional form in black elflorynone with a bore "closed" in white elflorynone with a bore "opened" in... View
Fossati Oboe Tiery E Fossati Conservatory systemBody in Grenadilla (optional: top joint in synthetic material)Key sylver platedLong F# plate.Double tenon ringAdjustment for low BbLowest note: BbF key for left handDouble Eb key (left & right)Double G# key (left & right)3rd octave keysForked F ventBb ventarticulated B-C# mechanismGillet key (Banana key)Ab-Bb keySplit ring D... View
In Stock Pregouging machine Pregouging Machine Reed's n stuff Reeds'n stuff PGRNS €832.00 Several models avalaible according to the reed diameter. Add to cart
In Stock Profiling machine Profiling machine Reeds 'n Stuff Reeds'n stuff €1,999.00 For oboe reeds. Add to cart
In Stock Diameter measurement Radius dial indicator Reeds 'n Stuff Reeds'n stuff €241.18 For bassoon. Add to cart
In Stock Diameter measurement Radius dial indicator Reeds 'n Stuff Reeds'n stuff €276.13 For oboe. Add to cart
In Stock Reed guillotine Reed Guillotine Reeds 'n Stuff Reeds'n stuff Guillotine HTBS Reeds 'n Stuff €206.00 For oboe reeds. Add to cart
In Stock Reed guillotine Reed tip guillotine for bassoon Reeds 'n Stuff Reeds'n stuff €206.00 Guillotine for bassoon and contrabassoon reeds. Add to cart
In Stock Cane guillotine Reeds 'n Stuff Bassoon Cane Guillotine Reeds'n stuff €327.96 Several models available according to the diameter. Add to cart
In Stock Cane guillotine Reeds 'n Stuff Cane Guillotine Reeds'n stuff €312.72 Several models available according to the diameter. Add to cart
In Stock Oboe cane splitter Reeds 'n Stuff Cane Splitter Reeds'n stuff 10007 €164.48 Reeds 'n Stuff cane splitter for oboe, oboe d'amore and english horn. Add to cart
Product available for orders Cane splitter Reeds 'n Stuff cane splitter for bassoon Reeds'n stuff €164.48 Cane splitter for bassoon tube cane. Add to cart
In Stock Hardness tester Reeds 'n Stuff Hardness Tester Reeds'n stuff €499.00 For oboe or bassoon, depending on the model. Add to cart
Last items in stock Pregouging machine Reeds 'n Stuff pregouging machine for bassoon Reeds'n stuff €946.00 Models of pregouging machines for bassoon or contrabassoon. Add to cart
In Stock Reeds cases Ribbon Type Holder Reeds'n stuff 100017 €0.75 Sold by 3, 6, 12 or 24 locations. Add to cart
In Stock Machine shape Shapes for shaping machine Reeds 'n Stuff Reeds'n stuff €136.40 For oboe, oboe d'amore, english horn, baroque oboe, viennese oboe and bass oboe. Add to cart
In Stock Shaping machine Shaping Machine Reed's n stuff Reeds'n stuff 10001 €940.00 Shaping machine for oboe, oboe d'amore, english horn, viennese oboe, baroque oboe, bass oboe, according to the chosen shapes. Add to cart